Session Packages

Choose a package that works for you and your family.

5 Sessions

10 Sessions

20 Sessions

Ideal for clients who want to get back on track with training they've already started. Perfect for reinforcing established cues and behaviors, this package helps both you and your dog re-engage with the training you know but haven’t maintained.

Ideal for dogs living with low to moderate reactivity, this package provides an approach to manage and reduce reactive behaviors. With personalized guidance, you'll learn effective techniques to foster calmness and improve your dog’s response to various triggers through decision making and problem solving.

ideal for dogs with moderate to severe reactivity and intense daily emotions. This in-depth program focuses on addressing the root emotional causes of your dog's behaviors, offering personalized strategies to manage and reduce reactivity. Through extensive sessions, you'll build a stronger bond and guide your dog toward a more balanced, calm demeanor.


"We've been working with Sparrow for just over a year since Danby was a puppy. Looking back, it has been incredible to see all of the monumental strides Danby and ourselves have taken. Most importantly, Sparrow spent the time teaching us humans how to help Danby reach his full potential in any environment he's put in. From basic cues to walking around a store to visiting a relatives' house, we feel so much more confident in ourselves now than when we started this journey. So much of the foundation we learned with Sparrow are principals the three of us continue to work on every day."

- Cate & Jonah

"We couldn’t be happier with the results we got working with Weiserways. When we were expecting our first baby we were really nervous how our dog Martin would react around her. Martin had never been around kids, and I had heard so many stories about Jack Russells being unpredictable and mean to babies and toddlers. Sparrow gave us so many tools to prepare Martin before our daughter was born, and continued working with us when we brought her home from the hospital… literally coming over when our baby was three or four days old. I think sparrow met our daughter before our parents did! Now Josephine and Martin are best friends, and I couldn’t be more thankful."

- Alicia, Wes and Josephine

Frequently Asked Questions


Can I buy more sessions once they are done?

Yes, of course you can! training is taken at you AND your dogs pace, this means that we may need more sessions than you originally purchased.


What if I am going away and cant make a session?

As long as you cancel or reschedule the session more than 24 hours in advance you are all good. If a session is cancelled less than 24 hours you do not get the session or money back. The beauty of sessions are that you have 6 months to use the package you purchased in whatever timeframe you need to use it in.

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In a world where society tells humans to seek perfection, where having emotions is seen as weakness, and asking for help symbolizes admitting defeat, we wanted to change the narrative. We’re here to make real change, and we want to make change together.

Contact Us

  • (908) 421-6256

  • Baltimore, MD

  • Mon & Fri 11:00 am - 7:30 pm

    Tue, Wed, Thu 10:30 am - 5:30 pm

© Copyright 2024. WeiserWays LLC. All rights reserved.